Thursday, April 5, 2012

Live Action Casting: Trigun (Part One)

I have considered for a while what a Trigun live action might look like and what actors would best portray these anime characters. I personally would aim for a trilogy to tell the tale of Vash the Stampede as completely as possible on the big screen. But who would I cast?

Vash the Stampede/Knives: Right off the bat we have a very tricky casting decision. Whoever plays the Humanoid Typhoon must also play his evil twin brother Millions Knives. We need an actor that can be goofy, badass and psychotic, plus look the part. I have three possibilities:

Josh Hutcherson: He has gotten some popularity now from his role in The Hunger Games and with some bleached hair, he could easily look the part. I know he has some acting talent from his performance in The Kids Are Alright. He's done comedy and action before. The big question I have is how convincing of a psychotic mastermind he could be.

Liam Hemsworth: Another actor from The Hunger Games, I dare say Lima looks almost spot on to Vash from his chin, his ears and his blue eyes (something I would miss from Hutcherson). The only problem is I haven't seen much of Liam. Can he play the goofy moron, the bad ass and the psycho? I have no idea but I would totally get him to audition.

Orlando Bloom: This was my original pick and in many ways he is perfect. We know he can do action and play a bad ass. He was a decent villain in that subpar Three Musketeers from last year and I do think he could pull off Knives. I also remember an interview with Kirsten Dunst (who starred with him in Elizabethtown) that Orlando would make her laugh by acting all goofy. Plus, unlike my other two picks, he is a big name able to carry a movie. I just have two problems. First, he has brown eyes. That can be fixed with contacts, though. The other bigger problem is that he is 35 years old. Not that 35 is old, but Vash looks young... perpetually young. He doesn't age. If there were a trilogy I would be concerned that his march toward forty might bring him some unwanted wrinkles.

Meryl Strife: I only have one actress in mind to play Meryl Strife, the insurance agent who gets swept up into Vash's journey as she tries to determine just how dangerous the "Humanoid Typhoon" really is.

Carey Mulligan: She looks the part, she's a great actress... I think she is perfect for the role. Remember that Meryl isn't action oriented; she is mainly an observer and in that regard she is the "ordinary" perspective to this story.

Stay Tuned for the Second Part of the Live Action Casting of Trigun!

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