Saturday, April 7, 2012

Live Action Casting: Trigun (Part 2)

We continue my fantasy casting of a live action Trigun flick with Meryl's assistant...

  Milly Thompson: Milly is loyal, extremely optimistic, very friendly and kind of naive at times, borderline ditsy.

The best I have come up with for Milly is Anna Kendrick. I think she is a fantastic actress from her roles in Up in the Air, 50/50 and Scott Pilgrim vs The World. I think she is a good look for the role. Even though she usually plays smart, level headed characters, I am guessing she is talented enough to pull off the slightly airheaded innocent nature of Milly.

Nicolas D. Wolfwood: The mysterious drifter with a very deadly cross to bear, I need someone awesome to play this fan favorite character.

I am going with Michael Fassbender, an awesome actor (X-men First Class, Inglorious Basterds, that awesome psycho guy in Jonah Hex) that Jonny Prophet and I absolutely love. We've already seen him play a badass as Magneto and I have absolutely no doubt he would rule as Wolfwood.

And finally the incredibly creepy antagonist to Vash, the one who forced him to cross the line, Knive's right-hand man and the leader of the Gung Ho Guns... Legato Bluesummers.

In my opinion, only one actor can play this psychic psycho... and that is Cillian Murphy.

I mean, come on! He looks spot on to him, that cold icy stare and that emotionless yet intimidating expression. Consider his roles in 28 Days Later, Red Eye and Batman Begins and you would have to agree he is perfect for the role.

So that would be the majority of the cast, at least the big names. Granted through a trilogy there is room for the other 11 Gung Ho Guns and possibly Brilliant Dynamite Neon in the first movie. So until the next Live Action Casting or some insane ranting, keep lurking in the shadows of society.

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