Monday, May 14, 2012

More Lessons I've Learned from Movies!

Who knew that watching hours of mind-numbing television could substitute for public education?

Machete – Human entrails make for great rappelling.

Fargo – Woodchippers are a great way to dispose of any unwanted Steve Buscemi you have lying around.

Pulp Fiction – Always bring your gun with you to the bathroom.  

Monster Squad – Wolfman does indeed have nards.

The Last Starfighter – Playing Atari games is the best way to master interstellar warfare.

Signs – God is willing to stage a world wide alien invasion if it means one man will get his faith back.

Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen – Robots can be racist stereotypes too.

Donnie Darko – I am wearing a stupid man suit. 

The Godfather – For the man who has everything… a severed horse head makes a great gift.

Taken – Don’t kidnap Maggie Grace. If you do Liam Neeson will find you… and he will kill you.

The Toy - Money can buy you anything, even a black man... wait, that's not right.   

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas – Never pull over for a traffic cop. It creates contempt in their hearts. Instead, make them chase you… they will follow.  
Wargames - The Imsai 8080, a desk top computer from the early 80’s, can start World War III. 

Wargames - Matthew Broderick, playing a teen in the early 80's, is a skilled enough hacker to start World War III.

Wargames - The United States government, a leading nuclear armed superpower during the early 80's, is dumb enough to allow the launch capabilities of their entire missile arsenal to be activated by playing a simulated video game program that can easily be hacked into by a teenager using a desktop computer.

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