Saturday, April 28, 2012

Before They Were Awesome!

This is the debut of a series of videos highlighting the not-so-awesome beginnings of currently awesome people.

Today we spotlight the humble and disturbingly out of place beginnings of Nine Inch Nails frontman and David Fincher film score composer Trent Reznor.

(Note: You will need to turn up the volume for this... not because it rocks, God no it doesn't rock. It's just hard to hear.) 

You've come a long way Trent from your wacky 80's New Wave style to losing your freaking mind right around the 90's. Trent Reznor just proves to us all that you've got to start somewhere and that you can't burn all the VHS tapes no matter how hard you try. Just ask George Lucas about that certain 'holiday special.'

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