Monday, January 16, 2012

Toaster’s Topics for Filling Awkward Silences

If you're a socially inept weirdo like myself, you struggle with the notion of "small talk" and are more often than not caught up in awkward moments in what should be otherwise fruitful conversations with the 'normal folk.' But fear not intrepid reader for I, as a public service, am about to provide a list of surefire topics to fill those uneasy silences. Hopefully these topics will steer your conversation back toward your eccentric comfort zone or the other person will stage a hasty retreat. Either way, you're a winner!

Choose from one of these 25 ice-breakers:

Could Jesus Christ be considered a super hero?

Which is the geekier “bromance”: J.D. & Turk from Scrubs or Shawn & Gus from Psych?

Seriously, why was Walt even on Lost if they were just going to write him out like that? And what was up with him having powers? And why did Shannon see him in the woods looking all wet and then he just vanished?  

Which band is Coldplay a crappier copy of: Radiohead or U2?

What is the ideal weapon to fight off a zombie invasion?

Who was the better deceased SNL fat guy: John Belushi or Chris Farley?

There's a lot of protest over gay marriage, but Kermit the Frog married Miss Piggy without so much as a
complaint. What gives?

What does the ‘H’ in Jesus H. Christ stand for?

What the hell was Mr. Whitmore's deal on Lost? He was an "other" that somehow left and wanted to come back? Why did he want to go back? And why would him coming back have been so terrible for the island? And how the hell did he leave in the first place?

If you could travel back in time, who would you punch in the face first?

Which inventor had a greater impact on the concept of 'steampunk': Leonardo Da Vinci or Nicola Tesla?

How did the supercomputer Skynet first come to be made if its creation was based on the T-800 arm and microchip left behind (as seen in Terminator 2) from when Skynet sent the T-800 back in time to begin with (in the first Terminator)?

At what point did comic book writer/artist Frank Miller lose his mind?

So were Huey, Dewey and Louie just abandoned by their mom? Why does Donald have to watch them? Are they blood related to him? and if so, where is Donald's deadbeat brother/sister?

Is it more likely that Limp Bizkit frontman Fred Durst will end up working fast food or at a car wash?

If you died and became a ghost, which celebrity would you like to haunt most?

If you were turned into a cyborg what weapons would you want installed in you?

Which was the better disguise: Clark Kent wearing glasses or a ninja turtle wearing a trenchcoat and fedora?

If Wolverine's bones are covered in metal, wouldn't he have trouble swimming?

Which movie Punisher would win in a three-way fight: Dolph Lundren, Thomas Jane or Ray Stevenson?

Which game is more confusing: the fictional game of Quidditch or the real game of Cricket?

If you were a superhero, who would be your arch-nemesis?

If you were a superhero's evil arch-nemesis, how would you go about destroying him/her?

What would win in a fight: an Imperial Star Destroyer or a Klingon Bird of Prey?

How come on the show 24 we never saw Jack Bauer use the bathroom? He spent twenty-four straight hours fighting terrorists and never once stopped to take a dump?

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